Middle School Research

Use of Information - Doing research and collecting information

Read, view, listen, or talk to the sources you're going to use.

Take notes as you go along, making sure to keep track of where the information came from so you can cite them correctly later.
Make sure you understand the information. Don't just copy and paste from a source. Not only is it a bad idea, it's plagiarism. Be able to restate it in your own words. If you don't understand something you find, ask a parent, teacher, librarian or expert or find another source that you understand better.

This is a step where you'll probably have to go back and think again about some of the steps you've thought about previously.
  • Are you able to get information the way you thought you would? Do you need to change keywords?
  • Are the sources you picked answering the right questions? If not, think about some different ways to get the information you need.
  • Have you answered all the questions that you asked during your task definition? If not, continue researching or consider re-thinking your task definition.
The Big6(tm) Skills Approach was created by Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz, who hold all copyrights.

Last updated April 22, 2011