Middle School Research

More about Research

Internet Resources

The CRLS Research Guide - Basic Steps in the Research Process
Created by the librarian of the Cambridge Rindge & Latin School, this website will take you through an in-depth look at all the 23 steps of doing research.

ipl2 - Information You Can Trust
The ipl2 was formed by the merging of the Internet Public Library and the Librarians' Internet Index. You can find links to great online resources here that have been approved by librarians and library school students.

The KYVL for Kids Research Portal
This visual resource, created by the Kentucky Virtual Library, will take you through the research process and gives great tips for all steps.

Sayre School Middle School Research Guide
A thorough guide to take you from beginning to end of a research project. It includes questions to consider, brainstorming ideas, research tips, how to take notes and many more topics for successful research.


Internet Research Made Easy by Molly Bloom
This article covers the basics of doing research on the Internet, including how to use search engines and subject directories, how to evaluate websites, and give proper credit to your sources.
Bloom, Molly. "Internet Research Made Easy." Writing 27.3 (2004): 18-21. Kids Search. Web. 24 April 2011.

Research First by Sarah Montante
Research is more than just going through the Internet, seeing what you can find. This article shows readers how to gather, analyze and organize information, then create an outline with it.
Montante, Sarah. "Research First." Library Cavalcade 57.5 (2005): 36-37. Kids Search. Web. 23 April 2011.

Wading Through 7.3 Million Pages by Eva Shaw
This article has some great tips for how to find information on the Internet and how to decide whether you can trust it or not.
Shaw, Eva. "Wading Through 7.3 Million Pages." Writer 114.2 (2001): 16-18. Kids Search. Web. 24 April 2011.

Writing the Research Paper by Sarah Montante
Once you have done all your research, you still have to turn into a research paper! This article gives some pointers on how to write a strong research paper, including how to quote and cite correctly.
Montante, Sarah. "Writing the Research Paper." Library Cavalcade 57.6 (2005): 36-17. Kids Search. Web. 23 April 2011.


Ace It! Information Literacy Series by various authors
This series of books covers different parts of the research process, from Internet research to presentations.
Bullard, Lisa. Ace Your Oral or Multimedia Presentation. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2009. Print.
Gaines, Ann. Ace Your Internet Research. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2009. Print.
Gaines, Ann. Ace Your Research Paper. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow, 2009. Print.
Rau, Dana Meachen. Ace Your Writing Assignment. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow Elementary, 2009. Print.

Digital and Information Literacy Series by various authors
These books are published on a continuing basis and cover a different part of information literacy, including doing research, evaluating information, and citing your sources.
Cefrey, Holly. Researching people, places, and events . New York: Rosen Central, 2010. Print.
Gerber, Larry. Cited!: identifying credible information online. New York: Rosen Central, 2011. Print.
Popek, Emily. Copyright and digital ethics . New York: Rosen Central, 2011. Print.
Randolph, Ryan P.. New research techniques: getting the most out of search engine tools. New York: Rosen Central, 2011. Print.

Information Literacy Skills Series by Beth A. Pulver and Donald C. Adcock
These books help students get comfortable with the research project, including organizing, taking notes and presenting their findings. There is special emphasis placed on helping students learn to evaluate what they find and use electronic sources, like databases and the Internet.
Pulver, Beth A., and Donald C. Adcock. Accessing information . Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, 2009. Print.
Pulver, Beth A., and Donald C. Adcock. Evaluating information . Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, 2009. Print.
Pulver, Beth A., and Donald C. Adcock. Organizing and using information . Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, 2009. Print.
Pulver, Beth A., and Donald C. Adcock. Understanding the importance of information . Chicago, Ill.: Heinemann Library, 2009. Print.

The Kid's Guide to Research by Deborah Heiligman
This book provides guidance on how to do research, including how to use libraries and their resources, the Internet, and other sources such as interviews and surveys.
Heiligman, Deborah. The Kid's Guide to Research. New York, NY: Scholastic Inc., 1998. Print.

Last updated April 29, 2011