Middle School Research


You will want to develop a note taking method that works for you!  Note taking is really a map of where you've been around the Internet and through other resources like books and magazines.  It's very easy to forget what stood out in each source, so you will want to write it down.  There are many different note taking strategies to choose from and it really doesn't matter which one you choose as long as you stay consistent and keep track of all of your sources.


This is a simple way to keep a record of useful information and facts.
  • Use a different card for each bit of information you record
  • Always record the source of the information (see Cite Your Work)
  • You don't always have to quote the facts or information; you may want to paraphrase, which will make writing easier.
  • Number your cards
Two stacks of note cards.

K(now) W(ant to know) L(earned)
KWL is another good note taking strategy that lets you record what you know, questions you want answered and then what you actually learned.

KWL chart with three sections for Know, Want to Know, and have Learned.


Data Sheets are an easy and practical way to keep track of your facts and information.  Just don't forget to keep track of your sources.
Nifty Notes page. Four sections for notes on important facts, new ideas, questions and action plans.


The cluster or mind mapping method is a great way to note take if you like a more visual approach to record keeping.

All the facts and information radiate out from the central focus or idea.  You can organize thoughts by color or relational space around the idea, but again, DON'T forget to add in your sources.
Mind Map. Central idea written in the middle with off shoots of information.

Last updated April 29, 2011